Known professionally as Gabby B, Gabriela Bueno is a Brazilian songstress with a plethora of superstar talent. The pop vocalist has always been in tune with the entertainment industry. Born an only child in Goiania, Brazil, to a mother (Brazilian performer) and father (Professional martial arts master), Gabby was instantly synchronized with two worlds that would eventually
shape-shift her passion for entertainment.
As a gifted musician and social media sensation, Gabby B has garnered international recognition as a professional musician and performing artist. Her burgeoning career encompasses electrifying live shows to crowds of thousands, creative wardrobe design, and co-ownership of the independent label & "Muy Bueno". Most recently, this Miami pop vocalist and Mr. 305 Inc. recording artist Vikina united in a multilingual celebration of female empowerment, blending engaging sounds, styles, and edgy imagery for a new music video that launched this past September. Gabby B has not only topped the charts with her music, she has also shared the stage with artists Flo Rida, Ja Rule, Justina Valentine, Shaggy, Jax, and many more. Her music video & "Earthquake" can also be seen featured on MTV’s Spankin' New! We were fortunate to spend the day with this rising star and get the insider’s scoop of the day in the life of Gabby B.

Dr. Cybil: When was the first time you realized that music was your passion? How did you get into it?

Gabby B: Well, music was always a passion of mine. Everything art related was a passion of mine since I was really young because growing up, both of my parents were entertainers. My mom was a Samba dancer and my dad is a Brazilian martial artist, known as Capoeira. He's a master in his craft. He still currently does this and travels a lot. That's the reason why I've lived in so many different places. I was born in Brazil, but I was raised in France, and I also lived in Canada.
Dr. Cybil: Who have been some of your aspirations in the realm of music growing up?
Gabby B: I used to love listening to Brittany Spears. It's very different from what I do (laughs), but Brittany Spears was the first person I went to see in a concert when I was four in France. My mom was a Brittany Spears fanatic, so it got me to be a Brittany Spears fanatic. I always watched her and Hannah Montana and that was mainly how I learned English. Hannah Montana was my favorite. She inspired me with her lyrics. Then vocally, I used to love those high Mariah Carey notes. I used to love to practice and learn from her as well as Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston.
Dr. Cybil: When you write your music, what is your creative process like?
Gabby B: Usually I like writing after I have a beat. When I'm in the studio with my producer, Joe, Mr. Hit Record, he makes the beat right then and there. Then when I'm like, “Okay, let's work on this beat. I love this beat”, we start creating a melody, and then the lyrics come naturally after that.
Dr. Cybil: Let's talk about some of your new ventures. What was it like creating Leche?

Gabby B: Oh, it was such a random process because it wasn't planned at all (laughs). My producer Joe, my manager, Danny and I went to Pitbull's studio to meet up with Vikina, an artist under the Mr. 305 Inc. label. When I met her, we vibed well, and really didn’t plan on doing a song together. Then Joe started playing some beats that he had already created. When that beat came on I'm like, “this goes hard. I love this”. It had this Brazilian funk element that represented me, but also a Latin flare, that represented Vikina. She's a true Latin Miami girl.
We started working on melodies and lyrics. I came up with my Portuguese verse and English mix, and then Vikina came up with her Spanish verse. The song ended up having three different languages. But, I completely forgot! Before that whole writing process went down, the question was, "what are we going to write about?" I'm sitting in the back and I'm just like, “okay, well, guys, I want a song about boobs. Straight up”.
Dr. Cybil: Boots or Boobs?

Gabby B: (laughs) Boobs! Boobs! I wanted a song about boobs because there are no songs about them. There are songs about booty, booty shaking, booty this, booty that. It's always about the booty. But the boobies never get the love they deserve. Then Vikina came up with “la leche, la leche”. It was just a joke at the time. But then Joe was like, “that could actually work.” And that’s how Leche was born.
Dr. Cybil: I always admire the creative process of how things come to fruition.
Gabby B: I think I'm starting a new trend. Let's go, boobs!
Dr. Cybil: It’s a phenomenal trend! Something that can be played on National Breast Awareness Day!
Gabby B: Exactly, yes. I'm all about boobs on my account. It's important to me.
Dr. Cybil: One thing that I have no tolerance for is bullying. I think the fact that you're the ambassador for Boo2Bullying is super commendable. How did you get into this?

Gabby B: Boo2Bullying has been so good. I'm so happy that I am able to be a part of this. It's a nonprofit organization for suicide prevention and anti-bully. I've been bullied my whole life. From France to Canada to Massachusetts, it's happened to me everywhere I went. I've gotten physically and mentally bullied, and I'm very against it. Mind you, normally I am super chill and very laid back, but when I see someone getting picked on in front of me, it affects me so much. It makes me so upset. It makes me angry. I think it's really important to go to schools and talk about it. That's what Boo2Bullying does. It's a youth development and suicide prevention organization providing mentoring opportunities, educational resources, and mental health support to youth and families adversely affected by bullying. I’ve gone to speak to schools a couple of times myself. I have a book called, "Gabby B and Her New Schools Adventures". As a Brazilian girl who came to the United States from France, people treated me like an outcast. I couldn't really relate to people and it was very hard to make friends. I just think it's important for other kids to hear my story so they will be okay and this is something that they can overcome.
Dr. Cybil: I’ve read that so far, Boo2Bullying has connected with over 30,000 young people in-person and many more online, many congratulations!
Gabby B: Thank you. I’ve really enjoyed this journey. Sometimes I'll be on a live and kids as young as thirteen will start to share some of the horrible things that they’ve been through and I get to, in a sense, talk to them directly to tell them that I went through it and came out stronger in the end and they will too.
Dr. Cybil: Besides being a super talented singer, an anti- bullying activist, I hear that you are also into fashion. Have you always been into this?

Gabby B: It's so funny because I've never thought I would. I love outfits, but I never in my head was like, "Oh, yeah, I'm going to make outfits". Never. But my mom used to make all of her Samba clothes and my grandma would sew a lot of our clothes. One day, my mom was helping me create a bra for a performance and I remember thinking during the process, "Wow, this is so fun". Ever since then I’ve been creating bras! I started making a lot of bras. I have probably 60 bras in my room. And they sparkle, who doesn't love a great sparkle? Rhinestone bras, is what I call them. They are inspired by Samba and what I grew up seeing in performances.
Dr. Cybil: That could be your clothing line, Muy Bueno Bras.
Gabby B: Yes, one day, hopefully. I mean, thousands of girls have literally asked me where they can get my right to bras, but I'm like, "Oh, I don't make them right now, but when I do, I'll let you guys know."
Dr. Cybil: Are there any other projects that you would like to share with us?

Gabby B: I do have this project that I'm working on. I don't have a release date yet, but it's an EP series. It's called Fire and Ice. The idea of it is that fire would include the category of songs that are more hyper, ones that you can dance to and makes you feel good. And then the ice side would include the ones of me telling my story. Songs about experiences that I've gone through that people will be able to relate to. My followers will be able to see that, yes there's this fun, hyper and crazy side to me who loves to dance, but there's also the part of me where I have gone through things that aren't always going to reflect a happy side of me.
Dr. Cybil: It's always great for fans and followers to see their idols as human and know that just because they are on stage having the performance of a lifetime, they too go through some hard stuff.
Gabby B: Exactly. This has been so much fun, thank you guys for today.
Dr. Cybil: Thank you for allowing us to get to know more about who Gabby B is all about.
