Introducing a new level of responsible luxury, Piper & Skye, a woman-owned luxury accessory brand is making sustainable and ethically-made leather bags and accessories using materials with the smallest possible environmental impact by using exotic skins. From unisex handbags to duffles and wallets, Piper & Skye's soft, luxurious leather bags come in a range of sizes and bright colors like cobalt, piper pink, honey yellow, and rouge, as well as classic colors like white, cognac, and black that channel the latest trend in“quiet luxury.”
An international brand with local presence in Florida (Miami, Ocala, Destin and Vero Beach), Piper & Skye creates versatile, sustainable bags with a genuine concern for the planet. They use leathers from invasive species such as pirarucu (a giant rainforest fish from the Amazon that has grown in popularity among U.S. fashion designers and celebrities), invasive lionfish, invasive python and wild American alligator.
Beyond looking good, consumers can feel good too as not only are their bags made from sustainable materials but also a portion of sale proceeds support Safe Transitions, a non-for-profit organization created by Piper & Skye founder Joanna MacDonald to help victims of human trafficking and domestic violence move out of shelters and into their own home.