Fit for a King
Words: Michelle Wallace IG @my.michelle.w
Photography: Sergey Yusin @sergey_yusin
Wardrobe: Jaxson Maximus @jaxsonmaximus
Make-up: Julia Brig @juliabrigmia
style | June 01, 2021
Modifying and Transforming Lives:
Alicia McIntosh
Fitness Coach Alicia McIntosh, seeks to break client’s mental boundaries, reach physical fitness goals while creating a conscious living that will impact all areas of your life and in return creating a better quality of life. Alicia fully understands that each individual has different requirements and needs and makes sure to handle each person with the care that is needed. Alicia quotes, “health is the key to life so let's work together to attain your health & fitness goals. There is no investment like yourself and I assure no matter your fitness level you will be satisfied with this union.”
Q: Where are you from?
A: Miami Florida
Q: How long have you been in Miami?
A: I have lived in Miami all of my life with the exception of living in Jamaica for a period of time when I was much younger.
Q: How did you get into fitness?
A: I got into fitness because at a really young age I struggled with eating disorders. I thought the only way to feel good about myself was to look a certain way so that I could feel like I was worthy. I chased that rabbit whole for many years up until college and then realized that nothing exteriorly would make me love myself.
Q: Who influenced you the most?
A: My mom I don’t know anyone with her resilience and strength she raised four kids on her own. I didn’t always understand why she was so tough but as I grew older I realized whom she had to be to provide for us. She taught how to show up as a woman by her daily actions. Whether she possessed those qualities or not I learned to seek what I had or didn’t have because of her.
Q: Can you describe that "moment" (experience, emotion,) when you knew that you were pursuing your passion?
A: About 3 years ago it hit me as I was reading client reviews. I remember crying because there was and is a strong rhythm in what every person said. As a coach people come to for what seems to be a physical gain. But along the journey my clients gain so much more they gain self-worth and love and perspective on this journey called life. That journey looks very different for everyone and it's beautiful to be able to be a part of someone’s evolution and the relationships that’s formed is truly valuable
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
A: I wake up around 6 am most mornings and get my day going with coffee. I train typically about 3, sometimes 4 clients in the morning and have a break mid-day for a few hours. I typically train myself around 12-1:30 PM as well as program for my clients and study for school. And at about 5 pm I’ll start back up until 8 PM. Most of my days are filled with FUN trainer work that I enjoy.
Q: What have you liked most about being a fitness coach?
A: The stories of so many different personalities. People are so amazing. My favorite part is learning the person in front of me. As a coach I tend to so many energies and understanding and meeting my clients needs has been the most rewarding experience.
Q: What are some healthy tips you can share with us today?
A: Live consciously be aware of the choices that are being made on a daily basis and make choices that are aligned with your goals. Creating healthy lifestyle habits leads to sustainability and longevity. Be kind to yourself along the journey of evolution. Self-love is not a destination it’s a choice you decide we have to decide on at every stage of life. A perfect body won't make anyone love themselves more but having a vision and working towards something will help you create strong values that you can live by. That builds confidence and a beautiful belief system about self.
Q: What are some of your “go-to” healthy snacks?
A: ***I love slicing up apples and drizzling natural crunchy peanut butter on top with toasted coconut flakes grounded flaxseed and chia seed mix with light agave it’s so yummy I feel like I’m eating a dessert and if I’m on the I’ll grab any fruit or a pre-made shake that contains almond milk Orgain protein power w almond butter.
Q: Any projects in the works?
A: I'm working on a podcast devoted to having open conversations especially about women that’s still in the works. I'm excited to create a platform that will have women be confident and expressive.
Q: What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
A: I love singing and it makes me feel free. I'm not sure how good I am but I do it anyway. I definitely can hold a note maybe one day in front of a small crowd.