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July 12, 2021

Tips for Surviving Summer in Miami

Word / Miami Vibes Magazine | IG: miamivibesmag

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Summer is Miami’s low season for a reason. The strong combination of heat and humidity here is enough to knock down even the most seasoned local, let alone the average tourist.

Sure, we have the Atlantic Ocean to keep us cool, but coming home with sand firmly buried in every crevice gets annoying fast. Furthermore, trying to take it out of your car afterwards is not a good way to beat the summer heat.

What can a local do? Well, turns out there’s plenty to do this summer. We've compiled a list of 5 fun things to do to help you get through the summer in Miami.

Zoo Miami’s Waterplay Areas

Yes, it's hot outside, but Zoo Miami has intelligently designed a number of water play areas throughout the park to keep everyone cool. Waterfalls, fountains, overflowing buckets, squirting whale tails, and water-spouting mushrooms overwhelm children as well as adults.

Zoo miami's waterplay areas

Cryo Miami

Need a fast hit? Try stripping down and entering a cryotherapy chamber, where a three-minute blast of -222-degree liquid nitrogen awaken your skin. It's a quick freeze on a hot day, and it's used by athletes and celebrities for its supposed health benefits. If the entire process  is too much for you, opt for the cryofacial, which limits the liquid nitrogen spray to your face.

cryotherapy chamber in miami

Basement Miami

Basement Miami is the best method to stay cool during Miami's humid and steamy evenings for the night owls. A neon-lit bowling alley, a dance club, and, most crucially, an ice skating rink are all part of this funky late-night hangout. Cool off with some frosty adult beverages at the bar after you've attempted a few triple lutzes.

Basement Miami are best for staying cool in miami

A.C.’s Icees

A.C.'s Icees, a Miami classic, has been parked near David Kennedy Park practically every day for decades. This white truck with yellow awnings, which is owned by a former Midwesterner looking for a way to cool down after his long runs across the city, serves a secret mixture of frozen lemonade, cherry/strawberry, and pia colada icees. If you go, bring cash because A.C. keeps things old school here.

A.C.’s Icees is parked near david kinnedy park


Is it possible to get a heart-pounding workout without breaking a sweat? Unless you've signed up for one of the new aqua cycling studios springing up all over town, it sounds too wonderful to be true. Consider it a cross between spinning and water aerobics: participants ride their way through a series of instructor-led instructions while submerged in water on water-resistant cycles. It's the ideal thing for summertime fitness funk to beat the heat.

AquaCycling in miami

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