Fit for a King
Words: Michelle Wallace IG @my.michelle.w
Photography: Sergey Yusin @sergey_yusin
Wardrobe: Jaxson Maximus @jaxsonmaximus
Make-up: Julia Brig @juliabrigmia
style | June 01, 2021
Miami is Going Nuts for Donuts!!
Words / Alyssa Coverdale @traveling_alyssa

The donut craze has hit Miami with full force and now is the best time to enjoy all of the delicious sweet creations the city has to offer! As a donut lover living in South Florida, I’ve traveled to and tasted donuts from West Palm Beach to Key West! I can tell you with certainty that Miami is home to some of the best donuts in South Florida!
My favorite donut shop in Miami? The Salty Donut in Wynwood District, hands down. Their Guava and Cheese donut will blow your mind, and they’ve always got a new incredible seasonal donut to go with their already amazing year round collection.
If you’re in Miami Beach, do yourself a favor and check out Happy Place Donuts on Española Way! Nebula donut is out of this world, literally, and they’ve got a RAINBOW donut!
If you’re in Coral Gables and you haven’t tried Honeybee Doughnuts, you’re missing out! Their Honeybee donut is delicious, and they even have mini versions of their classic donuts!
Another favorite donut shop is Mojo Donuts. I just love the Cannoli Donut!
Looking for a little culture with your donuts? Head over to Little Havana and try out Velvet Creme Donuts in their cute diner style donut shop! If you’re a Miami Hurricanes fan, pick up a dozen of their classic Green and Orange donuts!

You can’t go wrong with any of these choices, happy donut eating! Follow along with me on social media to keep up with my donut adventures and more around South Florida and beyond!
(Instagram: @traveling_alyssa, Website: