Fit for a King
Words: Michelle Wallace IG @my.michelle.w
Photography: Sergey Yusin @sergey_yusin
Wardrobe: Jaxson Maximus @jaxsonmaximus
Make-up: Julia Brig @juliabrigmia
style | June 01, 2021
Music As Medicine

Music is a fundamental attribute to us. Our brains are hardwired to classify music from noise and respond to rhythm, repetitions, melodies, and tunes. Studies from magnetic resonance imaging have found that our brains' nerve networks bear primary responsibility for decoding different music properties. As a result, it helps to get relieved from pain, stress, and tension. That's why many surgeons play music during operation time to boost concentration and focus. Doctors also prescribe music to improve the health of their patients.
Easing anxiety and discomfort
When people get angry, feel nervous, or do hard work, the blood pressure and heart rate increase. They start to suffer stress and headaches. In these cases, soft music can work as a tonic to control our body by reducing heart rates, body toxins, and better blood flow throughout the veins.
Pain and stress relieving sedative
Relaxing music works as a sedative for both the doctors and patients. Surgeons who listen to music during surgery came out with a more successful operation rate. Patients who listen to music before the operation found to be more relaxed. Music works as a mental sedative to ease the pain of post-surgery patients. We feel pain as long as we give attention to it. Music can grab our attention quickly and helps us to forget the pain.
Cardiovascular reactivity
Our body's response to music depends on the type of music we are listening to. An upbeat rhythm improves the gait of patients with Parkinson's disease. Music with a slow tempo can reduce blood pressure and heartbeat, whereas rock or metal music can do the opposite. Those changes are short-lived, but taking regular sessions can give a sustainable result.
Mood and quality of life
Plato says, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything." Music helps a person to develop the right kind of dislikes and appreciation of beautiful things. Cheerfulness and pleasure may beyond the reach of patients with depression, cancer, chronic pain, and terminal illnesses. But music therapy has been able to ease the pain and improve the quality of life among these people. Performing music can develop your social communication skill by boosting your self-confidence level. Learning music helps to find the meaning of life in rhythm and harmony. Music is powerful medicine to bring the inner peace of a person.
Music therapy in Miami
There are many places in Miami where well-known professionals perform music therapy. You can book a session via phone calls or online too. They also take online sessions.
Some of the popular ones in Miami are:
Nicklaus Children's Hospital
Wholsome Harmonies LLC
Miami Conservatory of Music
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center (only for cancer patients)
Playful Notes 167
The Wow Center
Speech Pathology and Educational Center (SPEC)
Celestial Treasures in Coconut Grooves
Bagua Centers in NE 2nd Avenue
9th Chakra in Miami Beach
Five Sisters in SW 132nd Street
The Golden Triangle in Coral Gables
1111 Vibes in Lincoln road also have music therapy programs too