Fit for a King
Words: Michelle Wallace IG @my.michelle.w
Photography: Sergey Yusin @sergey_yusin
Wardrobe: Jaxson Maximus @jaxsonmaximus
Make-up: Julia Brig @juliabrigmia
style | June 01, 2021
Embracing Your Imperfections
words / Jeanette Rios

The biggest misconceptions about losing weight and being healthy is thinking that if you starve yourself and kill yourself in the gym you will miraculously get fit, sexy and healthy. In my world, that’s what I call right down silly! Coming into this world with pretty decent genetics, I never had to worry about weight gain or concern myself with the type of foods I was eating.
Life was pretty great until about 5 years ago. I lost the love of my life, my dog of almost 13 years and my then boyfriend and I broke up (that same week). I found myself in one of the hardest times of my life… alone with no family in Miami, I fell quickly into depression and the pain in my soul had manifested into physical form and I became very sick.
I tried my best to be happy, I would “act-happy”! I lived sick for a good three years, until finally I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

After becoming obsessed with curing myself, and doing my own research, I found that the root cause of my disease, was the food I was eating! Why didn’t a Doctor ever tell me this?
So, I changed my diet, hit the gym pretty hard and thought I would be cured from this disease, but I was still getting sick!? After pleading with the Universe for answers I stumbled across an ad online that said, “Become a Health Coach” I thought to myself, trust the universe and it will deliver, right? So I signed up that week, and wow, little did I know this move would change my life forever.
After 6 months into the IIN program I realized that it takes so much more than eating healthy to heal yourself. It takes real life work of learning how to love yourself just as you are.
Learning to love yourself is not easy for everyone! Loving all of your imperfections as you are perfectly imperfect. I began to love my disease and love all of other parts of myself I wasn’t happy with. Actually, I began to change the way I felt about almost everything in my life. I found myself happy all the time. Even when things did not go as expected, I learned to see the lessons in why it happened as it did.

Since those sick days, I live life with intention, where happiness is a daily choice, and I stand to touch as many souls as I can with love and hope that they too can health their lives based on how they feel. And always remember -It is in our darkest hours when our greatest shifts happen, always be grateful for the struggles in your life. You ARE always at the perfect place at the right time.